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Creative organizing Is it just me?Or do you struggle with the concept of goodie bags for kid's parties, too?It seems a child doesn't go anywhere without ultimately coming home with something.As an organizer, i struggle with that.On the one hand, it is fun.On the other hand, i see it as contributing to a life long expectation that fun equals stuff or something sugary.Can't a party at school be enough fun without having to bring something home?Can't soccer be fun without the sugary drink and salty snack at the end? Health issues aside, the other thing that bothers me is that so much of the things in our treat bags don't get used.At least not by my kids.They just come into my home, clutter things up a bit and ultimately end up in the landfill.And i know i'm not alone in this.Having sorted through just a few toys in my days at my clients' homes as well. I guess it all sounds a little cynical.I know it does.And luckily the other side of me always chimes in and says"It's just for fun.Lighten up, aby! "And that side ultimately wins out. (My kids wouldn't have it any other way. ) So when party day rolls around, i'm always on the lookout for something inexpensive, usable and lasting.In other words, something that wont break the first time it's used.I also like one or two big items that wont get lost as soon as they're out of the bag, as opposed to a bunch of small stuff.For collin's birthday party, each child got this: I used oversized lunch bags and scrapbook supplies to make the tags.Each child got a curly straw(I haven't met a child yet that doesn't go nuts over curly straws.What's that all about, anyway? )And inside was a deck of jumbo playing cards, a small note book, a pen, and some tootsie rolls.So for a minimal investment, we gave the kids some items that can be used over again and aren't likely to break.In years past we've done little stuffed animals(When did target stop carrying those cute little stuffed animals i loved those for treat bags.Big yet inexpensive. )We've also given toy footballs(From the dollar store again, big, usable and not likely to break too quickly. ) How about you?How do you handle treat bags?Do you love them?Hate them?Wonder why on earth i'm suggesting you give them a second thought?And most of all.If you have any super great ideas for goodies.I'd love to hear it.In just four weeks, my daughter has her party!Thanks! I do enjoy putting together a"Creative"Goody bag.I seldom put candy in there except maybe a lollypop.I am not a huge fan of the allcandy and teeny tiny toy filled goodybags. For my son"Mystery"Party i put a mystery chapter book(From the book order at school), a gigantic magnifying glass, a notebook, a pencil and a lollypop. My son went to a party in january where they happened to ice skate but the"Goody bag"Was filled a packet of hot choco, some marshmellows, and a candy covered spoon.I loved that!It was used and"Done". Last year she had a tea party with her friends and each person got a bag with a cute tea cup that g chose from the thrift store, 2 packets of hot cocoa, a snack size baggie of minimarshmallows, a choc covered spoon that we made, and 2 mint hershey kisses to add to the cocoa.We also put in a spiral bound notebook(The small 3x5 with the spiral at the top)That we altered by covering with cardstock and put their name on with chipboard letters.It was one of my favorite gift bags. This year the place we having her party at does the gift bags as part of the party so i not involved with it at all.We are having a"Family"Party for her(Only 8 friends can come to the princess party place)So our extended family and faraway friends will come to the family party and i will do gift bags for them.She will probably want to keep the princess theme(Gotta love turning 6.So i not sure what i do for the gift bags.I was thinking of baking something yummy and decadent something"Fit for a princess! " I really do hate goodie bags for all the reasons you gave aby they just end up on the floor, junking up the house, making a mess, and driving me nuts and i don want to do that to another family. Goodie bags can be a challange.When my oldest turned 12 i bought the large hershey bars 1 for ea.Kid and made a band for ea.Bar in a fun print that said thanks for coming to my party.It was still candy but it was simple.Simple to make, carry and give out not to mention cheap. I always like the idea of the mini playdough cans w/an activity thing on the top.I think we get caught up in thinking it got to be a lot of goodies in one bag.I don think the kids really care.I never heard my kids say wow that was a lame goodie bag. My girls like to do crafts at their party.So usually the craft is the goodie to take home.We have made soap and the girls took them home in a cello bag and picked out their own cute ribbon to tie the bag.My 11 year old last year had 5 girls over and i had bought big canvases at walmart and put their names big in black in the middle.I had paint and brushes set up for them to decorate them.I had also pre drilled holes in each corner.The girls then picked out ribbon to put through the drilled holes and that was how they would hang them when they got home.It really is getting to be absurd.My dd just came home with a full size teddy bear this past saturday, plus a bag full of pinata candy and a glow in the dark necklace.To top that off the birthday child was"Registered"At target baby!We all gone quite mad, i do believe.I am having a party for my dd at the end of this month.Maybe i should put on the invitation: "Goodybagless party".Hahafor my son last birthday party, i had the kids complete a treasure hunt of sorts to get their goodie bag.His party was car, trucks and planesthemed so each child got a card with a little poem about some sort of vehicle.They really enjoyed"Earning"Them rather than just receiving them before they went home. I have long disliked bags just another thing to stress over.One year we had an zoo animal themed party so the only thing in the bag was peanuts.For my girls party last year, we made tiaras and jewelry with pipecleaners and pony beads and they took them home in a bag they decorated with sequins and feathers.This summer my son went to a friend party.This friend is an only child and his parents have tons o we, on the other hand, are a one income family with 7 children. (My kids get invited to parties all the time and it kills my budget. )So we just put some cash in a card and got him some candy and figured he could combine what we gave him with what he already had and get what he wanted.When i picked up my son, this friend mom told me to be sure to get the gift card out of the goodie bag.In the car i pulled it out and it was worth $25 at target.How many times does a kid go to a party and come home with a gift worth more than the one he took?I was a bit disturbed by it.I felt bad that we couldn afford to do more.I know that she wasn trying to make us feel bad, just being kind but it was a bit uncomfortable for me.What do you think of this? Let see.I did a pirate theme party for my son when he was six.It was so much fun to do something christian louboutin evenings a little out of the ordinary that wasn an"Outofthebox"Birthday party.I found a great book in the children section at the library on pirates(The name escapes me now).It was a fun humorous book that talked about the history of pirates as well as described what a pirate wears.It also had a chart for picking your own pirate name. My invitations included a condensed outline christian louboutin france of this and instructions on what to wear to the party(A striped shirt and shaggy old pants).It also asked the kids to come with their pirate name.Also in the invitation were homemade eyepatches. A goody bag was made from black cloth with a draw string.I painted a skull crossbones on each one.They included"Pieces of eight" (Chocolate gold coins), a note book with a pirate theme, a pirate pencil, and some tacky play jewelry for loot. For games the kids could win prizes from a costume shop like a sword, a hook hand, and a pirate hat. It was a blast.Best party ever. I with you on the goodie bags.I stopped doing them all together.They just seem wrong and as you say, a waste usually.My son is 12 and he has had sleep over parties the boys don seem to miss the bags at the end of those(Too tired? ! )I think the goodie bag thing has gotten way out of control, and each time i tell a mom i not doing it they rethink it.Some have also decided not to if you can influence the circle of friends it becomes more acceptable. Hey, how your running?Take care, lbtinpaserfemme vickie l. I posted earlier about the pirate theme party i did, but i just remembered a sleepover party i did for my daughter.I think she was about 11 or 12.Rather than goody bags i bought large tshirts for each of the girls.I created a design on the computer for her party, then we ironed the design on all the tshirts.The idea was to have them as a large pajama shirt for the girls.I also bought each of the girls a white pillow case that they each decorated with paint and markers.Both things were a nice reminder of the sleepover party. (She is 17 now, and still has both of them. )I suppose we could have expanded on the idea even more with some funky socks or fuzzy slippers.

